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Volume 12 • Number 2 • Fall - Winter 2020

Susan Kay Anderson

How They Changed

It is so early and late last
afternoon I found
my mother crying she said

it had just hit her
about the virus

and I could tell
a little bit

that she was leaving Germany finally
and also stepping into it
much closer still

bombs they could see
and yet couldn't
how they changed

Susan Kay Anderson has an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Eastern Oregon University. Finalist in 2019 for the Blue Lynx Prize and in 2010 for the National Poetry Series, her first book of poems is Mezzanine (Finishing Line Press 2019). Anderson was the poetry editor of Big Talk, a free publication in the early 1980s featuring Pacific Northwest punk bands. She earned degrees in anthropology from the University of Oregon (B.S.) and English Literature & Creative Writing from the University of Colorado, Boulder (M.A. & Jovanovich Award). Her recent work can be found in Calibanonline, Gnashing Teeth, Lily Poetry Review, Mojave River Review, Panoply, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and Porter Gulch Review.